Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Multiplication Puzzle


The multiplication puzzle is an excellent adventure in basic math over the set of nonnegative integers less than 10 under standard addition and multiplication modulo 10. A multiplication problem is shown with all digits replaced by letters. Your task is to guess which letter represents which number.


In all multiplication puzzles, the following are true:

  1. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of the set (ABCDEFGHIJ) and the ten integers 0 through 9.
  2. The puzzle, when interpreted in standard grade-school arithmetic notation, is mathematically correct.
So there are many hints to guide the gussing. For example, given a puzzle like this:
    I H H
X     H G
  H C I G
For this particular example, the following are true:
  1. HxG = G (mod 10) That is because the units digits in the 2 multiplicands (H in IHH and G in HG), when multiplied, gives the result G (the units digit in HCIG).
  2. HxH = J (mod 10)
  3. I+J = G (mod 10)
  4. C+J = C (mod 10) (if there is no carry), or C+J+1=C (mod 10) (if there is a carry)
From the fact 3 above, we can see that J cannot be 0. Combines with fact 4, that gives J=9. Place J=9 into fact 2, we have HxH = 9 (mod 10). That indicates H is either 3 or 7. Now look at fact 1, knowing that H is either 3 or 7, and G can not be 0, that will gives us G=5. Now we have solved J and G. Then from fact 3, we immediately get I = 6. Put all the digits we have solved so far into the puzzle, we get the following:
    6 H H
X     H 5
  H C 6 5
C B 9 9
E E C 5 5
Now we see that 6HHx5 = HC65. From previous analysis, H is either 3 or 7. So H has to be 3. The rest of letters can be solved straight forward. So we solved the puzzle from mathmatical analysis without any gussing. The final solution is:
     6 3 3
X     3 5
  3 1 6 5
1 8 9 9
2 2 1 5 5

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